Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Entry No. 3

Entry No. 3
3. Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?
The title of the book is “Ender’s Game” However, I would not say that Ender is the only main character in this novel. Valentine and Peter play a role in this book as much as Ender does. Although from the same womb, the Wiggins possess extremely different personalities. I personally like Peter’s personality the most. Even though Peter is portrayed as the “villain” in the eyes of Ender and Valentine, he later states with his own mouth that he still does love his siblings. His maturity tops even that of an adult. Every action he performs are all planned and calculated. In my opinion, he is a perfect man.The next favorite character is Valentine. She is, what one can call, an angel. In the midst of brutal persecution from Peter, Valentine was the only reason that Ender survived without revolting against it. She loved everyone from her dearest heart. She even gave love to Peter, the enemy. However, she had some flaws, in my opinion. She was often easily swept away by her own emotions. That made her make mistakes that Peter would have never allowed.My last favorite character is Ender. It might seem a bit ironic that Ender is my least favorite character. However, there are specific reasons to this. Ender is much like Peter in his appearance and his acts. Yet, he ceases to admit this crucial fact until the end of the book. He knows deep inside that he is like Peter, but he ignores that knowledge. That is what makes him a coward. He also regrets his acts after he commits the act. While on the other hand, Peter never ever seems to regret his acts. Why does Ender even commit something that he knows that he’s going to regret? I think that his decisions don’t match up to his smart and brilliant brain.The characters in this novel reveal many facts about the universal human experience. Even though these children in this novel are different in their personalities, they all end up loving each other in the end. I think this reveals a crucial universal experience. Even though siblings might hate each other for a certain amount of time, the bond among them will never be broken…


Peter Kim said...

I disagree with you!!!!!

You said that Ender commits things that he knows he's going to regret. You are wrong. He is just a kid. He can't think ahead and say, I am going to regret this, I shouldn't do it. An example is when he fights. He did it for his protection at that time. He had no time to think that he will regret what he had done. Anyways, even though he knew he was going to regret it, he did the right thing. Wouldn't you protect yourself when you are in danger?

Another example is during the Third Invasion, Ender didn't know that he was going to sacrifice people's lives. Ender doesn't always know he is going to regret.He thought he was only playing the stimulator.

Doesn't everybody regret what they did if it was wrong? For example, if you fought with someone. Wouldn't you regret it? If you killed someone, you would regret it.

Deez K. said...

the beginning makes since.....but...

later on in your post you said that Ender knows what's coming ahead....I don't think I agree with that...
because Ender doesn't know everything that is coming and critizes the things that he is suppose to do.
Ender did not know that the last test in command school is actually destroying the buggers.....