Sunday, April 6, 2008

Entry No.1

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or “fixed”?

Many current situations of the world relate to this particular novel. An important issue was discussed in this novel, totalitarianism. This subject is growing to be an important issue in various nations, such as China. China has sustained its system of government for considerably a long time. This country is I daresay an immaculate form of the Inner Party in this novel.

After Mao’s revolution in China, communism rooted itself down deeply into the government and the culture of all Chinese people. The politicians of that government used communism to enslave these people into slavery. Just as the Inner Party enslaved its people to keep eternal power, the Chinese government used Communism as their tool for accomplishing this job.

Although China is excelling in terms of economic and politic status currently, during the revolution times, it was exactly the opposite. Despite the fact that Chinese Communists did not intend to abuse the power, the power in their hands caused massive shedding of blood in the country. In other words, power was abused in the Communists’ hands.

If anyone has ever lived in China, civilians that reside in that country are overly content with the rule over themselves. They certainly would not prefer taking over or opposing the government. The government has succeeded in master minding its citizens to such an extent that having restrictions in their freedom is common in their lifestyle. Yet, I believe that their content has a certain reason. Although China’s rule was not successful during the early 1900’s, it is getting effective nowadays. Even I would not want to hinder the government’s success during times like this.

Nonetheless, George Orwell sheds light on how this situation can be corrected. Regardless of the opinions of the Chinese citizens, George Orwell states through Winston Smith mouth, that common workers can throw over the totalitarian rule. The civilians of Chinese people can throw over the government.


Clarion said...

Sorry for disturbing you, but.. are we the only ones who read 1984?