Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Entry No. 4

Entry No. 4
4. Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.
“Peace. It’s what salaam means. Peace be unto you.”
The words brought forth an echo from Ender’s memory. His mother’s voice reading to him softly, when he was very young. Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth. I came not to bring peace, but a sword. Ender had pictured his mother piercing Peter the Terrible with a bloody rapier, and the words had stayed in his mind along with the image.
In the silence, the bear died. It was a cute death, with funny music. Ender turned around. Alai was already gone. Ender felt as if part of himself had been taken away, an inward prop that was holding up his courage and confidence. With Alai, to a degree impossible even with Shen, Ender had come to feel a unity so strong that the word we came to his lips much more easily than I.
There are, in fact, many meaningful thoughts in this passage. Gaining a true friend is a very important stage of life in a person’s life. In this passage, it portrays how it feels like to have a real and true friend. It says here that gaining the friend is as familiar as a mother’s voice. I believe that it is true. I have friends, but amongst all of them, I have one true friend that I could really put all my hope on. When I gained him as my friend, it really did feel warm and familiar like my mother’s voice. It was of comfort and relaxation…
I think the fact that Ender enjoyed his moment of gaining his friend is also a crucial part in this passage. This passage shows the need of companionship for Ender. When Alai says “Salaam” to Ender, Ender has this nostalgic moment where he brings back his memories of his mother. He was replacing his empty companionship of his mother with Alai… I think this is just human nature, to desire and thirst for love and companionship. God made us like that, so that in the end, we will come back to Him, looking for love and companionship.
However, see how Ender thinks of Peter even in the moment of great happiness. I think this passage is trying to show that happiness and comfort cannot fade away the hatred in one’s mind. I think that this is also true. My hatred for Satan, for example, doesn’t go away just because I gained a true friend.
At the end of the passage, it talks about how lonely it feels to be away with the friend even for the slightest moment. And it is actually true. Thinking of absence of a true friend that you cared so deeply about leaving you is not a happy experience. It feels horrible. I sometimes wonder if I will feel this way if I ever thought of God leaving me. I will feel lonely and devastated. However, we all know that God will never leave us. Therefore, He provides me eternal comfort.