Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Entry No. 5

Entry No. 5
5. Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.
In page 257, there is a scene where Ender enters the Eros, a command center. It describes Eros from Ender’s perspective. I think this is the reason I like this scene. I do not have to choose whether the scene is disturbing or memorable, it is already decided…

The Eros’s surface is flat. However, the surface is not suited for living because it has a different purpose, to absorb sunlight and converted to energy. Therefore the humans live on the walls of Eros. It is described here that the walls have a downward slope. Due to the lack of gravity in this center, people do not fall down from sleeping on there. Yet, the idea of sleeping on a slope in fear of falling down disturbs me. Ender shares a same opinion with me.
The setting was meaningful to me because of the sense of fear it brought out to me. Even though it was evident that people will not fall from the walls; Ender had a fear that held him uncomfortable. I think that holds true for many of the people living at this era. People know that there is a God. It cannot be denied that He actually exists. However, people just ignore that fact and live in fear of many things that obviously shouldn’t be feared. Just like this holds true for most of the people living in this world, this holds true for me. I, too, am sometimes feared of things that I should not fear.
I sometimes tend to think that God does not exist. I start to question my identity. Who am I? What am I doing here? Even though it’s stated directly in the Bible for my eyes to read, I tend to ignore it… Nevertheless, the fact exists. And the fact is that Go is truly living. Therefore, whenever I think of these terrible thoughts, I remind myself again and again. God is living, and therefore I should not fear or question my identity... God knows my identity.


Sumin said...

Whoa! Nice post!
I like how you chose Eros as your setting. When I read the book, I was confused on how Eros actually looked and why Ender was uncomfortable there. By reading this post, I could see what Ender was getting at. I like how you connect the sense of fear to being oblivient of facts that exist. I like how you eventually connected to God. There is still a God and He exists, but it's only the humans who chose to ignore and get caught up with our fears. I really enjoyed reading this post. I think it was greatly done!