Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Entry No.3

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested.”

Although this passage used a language style that was hard to interpret by one simple look, several glimpse at this passage brought enlightening to my thoughts. This quote emphasizes on how one’s past attitude affects that of the present. Smith explores into the life before the Revolution in this passage. He discovers that the Party has weakened people’s memories in order to prevent their acknowledgement of the Party’s wrongdoings.

This passage conveyed lots of thoughts in my mind because of the truths it brought up about the nature of weak minded men. The party did anything that took them to retain their power eternally. Violating human rights weren’t something of a issue for them. Humans were to them, only mere utilities for acquiring power.

Also, this passage demonstrated how people could be tricked so effortlessly. All the Inner Party had to do to the people was to weaken their memories. The people became excessively controllable without difficulty.

Consequently, I became aware of the wretched side of men, if not, I was able to detect the feeble side of men. This assured me of the significance of God. God is a revitalizing fountain in the midst of immorality. He is our one and only foundation of dependence.